Updated June 13th, 2016:
Cascade 1200 cuesheets have been updated (as of 6/10) to reflect notes from the pre-ride. The RWGPS files are good to go as well. As always, the cuesheet is the master reference document, and the one handed out at registration is the only one considered official. That being said, we don’t expect any further changes, so feel free to download and format to your heart’s content. Links here: http://seattlerando.org/C1200/route/
– Susan Otcenas
The pre-ride for the Cascade 1200 finished yesterday at 9:00 pm. Congratulations to both John Pearch and Ward Beebe for completing this ride and providing us with valuable information on what to expect on the actual event.
As an observer, I must say that their ride was nothing short of epic. Nutrition issues, mechanical issues, route sheet errors, GPS errors, and triple digit heat did not dissuade these two from finishing. Hopefully they took all the heat out of this ride, and the weather during the actual event will be much more conducive to 200 mile days.
Look to the Cascade website (http://seattlerando.org/
– Charlie White
URGENT CASCADE NEED: Do you have an RV that you can park at the first overnight control in Packwood on June 18th?
Our overnight facility is 100% occupied by riders. We need an RV parked at the overnight so that our hard working Packwood volunteers & our drop bag drivers will have some place to get some rest on Saturday night. We did have a vehicle lined up (Thanks, Ken Ward!!) but it has had a mechanical failure that will preclude its use for Cascade.
If you can help, please email me at susan dot otcenas at gmail dot com.
Many thanks!
– Susan Otcenas