At the border of Greece and Turkey with less than 300km to go…
“Doug’s goals were simple: ride all the way to Istanbul, and finish the race. Doug was clueless about what he was really getting himself into; but why not give it a go?”
Doug Migden started randonneuring in 2010 and the distance bug bit him hard. 1200km PBP 2011, 1600km Miglia Italia 2012, 2200km Giro Ciclistico delle Repubbliche Marinare 2014, 15, 16…
What’s next when you’re riding that kind of distance? For Doug, the Transcontinental Race (TCR) from Belgium to Turkey presented an attractive answer and an irresistible challenge.
You can read about Doug’s 2015 TCR in a piece by David Longdon on The Seattle PI Blog, which also includes Doug’s detailed ride report and photos. Check it out here: http://blog.seattlepi.com/velocity/2016/07/10/doug-migdens-2015-transcontinental-race/
Doug will be riding the TCR again this year, starting on July 29th.