Monthly Archives: August 2015

PBP – Following Rider Progress

#parisbrestparis2015With PBP only 11 days away, some SIR riders have already headed to Europe, others are packing their bags and making final preparations. But how can you follow rider progress if you’re not riding?

Michal Young of the Oregon Randonneurs has set up a group tracking site for Pacific Northwest randos carrying SPOT trackers at PBP:
If you’d like to add your SPOT track to the group, please contact Michal (see his original post in the SIR group on Facebook).

There should also be tracking provided by the PBP organizers, here. (under construction at the time of this writing).

On Instagram, randonneurs from all over have been posting using #pbp2015 and #parisbrestparis2015

Know another way to follow along from home? Please share in the comments. Thanks!

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