Six intrepid Seattle randonneurs will set out on tomorrow, on the first ever SIR PBP Permanent. They will ride 1230 km, unsupported, mostly along the PBP route, but with 130 km of gravel roads added in keeping with the spirit of the early randonneurs. When asked whether SIR could create an SIR permanent in France, a close look at all of our enabling documentation revealed that an SIR permanent does not necessarily have to start in, finish in, or ever be in the US. “We are the Seattle INTERNATIONAL Randonneurs after all.”

SIR’s First Paris-Brest
As one of our sources said; “It took some talking to get permission to hold this permanent. We tried explaining that this was our way of honoring the French cycling traditions, of supporting the idea of truly unsupported riding, but what clenched the deal was when the PBP permanent riders agreed not to ride PBP in the same year, thus freeing up spots for other riders. ”
While the identities of the riders is still secret, unverified rumors suggest that the list of riders might include:
- Mark “I had a couple weeks between 1200s, so why not“
- Vinnie “it isn’t a vacation, I can work from anywhere“
- Jan “this is the true spirit of randonneuring, serious riders, riding unsupported“
- Hugh “why do you think I was riding all those January permanents?“
- Chris “why shouldn’t I do the ride twice?“
It is also suspected, but not confirmed, that technical and bike support will be provided en-route by Andy and Cory of the SIR Skunkworks Bike Division.
Stay tuned for details of the teams progress and consider registering for the next running of the SIR PBP Permanent. More details, including registration information on the SIR Website.