Monthly Archives: December 2017

Permanent Change: Controlling 520

Controlling 520

By Bill Gobie


With the impending opening of the new bike trail across the 520 bridge, I reviewed our permanent routes to see which might need additional controls to prevent shortcutting across the bridge. Somewhat surprisingly, out of our 300+ routes, only ten are affected and each only needs one new control. The ten routes are:


757 Redmond to UW via Issaquah

758 UW-Issaquah

1015 Queen Anne-Everett-Sammamish

1514 Woodinville Trails

1801 Club Car Populaire

2795 Leschi-Hobart-Redmond Loop

2868 Common Trails

3065 Green Gold and Red

3226 Peddler Postdoc Redmond Start

3227 Postdoc Peddler Ballard Start


All of the routes are now fixed up with new controls. Some of these are popular routes. Some are ridden almost exclusively by one or two SIRs. If you are accustomed to riding any of these on autopilot, be on the lookout for the new control! Be sure you use the newest versions of the cards, route sheets, and gps files that the Perminator sends you.

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