Permanent Route Updates

Mark Thomas created a new route, 04143 Table Mountain, 103 km, based in Ellensburg. This route climbs to an awesome vantage point north of Ellensburg.

01555 Olympic Peninsula Spin, 604 km, was reinstated. Due to the continuing Covid-19 closure of the Quileute Nation, the out and back to First Beach was replaced with an out and back leg to the Olympic National Park Hoh Entrance station. The route does not enter the park so no entrance fee is required.

In housekeeping notes, a few routes were not showing up on the overview maps. This oversight has been fixed and the routes should show up with the next autoupdate of the maps. Affected routes: 1017, 1234, 1306, 2300. (The maps are linked on the SIR RwGPS home page.)

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