High Impact Closure: East Lake Sammamish Pkwy & Trail

During August 6-20 the road and “likely” the trail will be closed for a culvert replacement. The closure extends from Louis Thompson Rd NE at the north to 212th Way SE at the south.

There will be a signed detour on Louis Thompson Rd, 212th Ave, and 212th Way. However, judging from Street View images, this will be an unpleasant and dangerous bicycle route. Louis Thompson Rd and 212th Way climb steeply with narrow or no shoulders.

A safer bicycle detour should be NE Inglewood Hill Rd, 228 Ave NE, and SE 43rd Way. This route has adequate shoulders or bicycle lanes the whole way. This detour has about 660 ft of climbing vs 170 ft on the road. The detour adds about 5 km vs the road.

Map: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/28173893

City of Sammamish project page: https://www.sammamish.us/government/departments/public-works/current-projects/zackuse-creek-fish-passage-and-stream-restoration-project/

Affected routes (not guaranteed comprehensive, courtesy of Yogy Namara):52, 359, 401, 531, 541, 605, 757, 758, 838, 1004, 1005, 1305, 1315, 1321, 1322, 1449, 1511, 1514, 1515, 1516, 1522, 1704, 1755, 1756, 2173, 2174, 2176, 2292, 2432, 2525, 2575, 2576, 2795, 3022, 3081, 3159, 3226, 3227, 3502, 3539, 3591.

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